What happens next?  What to expect.

*You can contact me via phone on- 07561601057

*or email- reachoutdevoncounselling@yahoo.com 

( Please do check your spam folder)

*I will get back to you by whichever method you have chosen. 

My working days are Monday-Thursday. (If I am away that will be noted on my out of office email.)


*We will see what availability we both have and your preferred method of counselling.

*I will send you our working agreement via email.

*We will have our first session, this will be a getting to know you session where we will go through the working agreement together it explains the limits of confidentiality. (More detail below)

*We will then go through an assessment form together to get an idea of what has bought you to counselling, I will take some personal information including GP and other data, please be assured this is all held in accordance with ICO policies. 

*At the end of the first session we will have an idea if we are a good fit and if so the next session will be booked from there, sessions are usually weekly to begin with although they can also be fortnightly in some circumstances. 

*I offer short term therapy (usually around 6 weeks) and longer term. 

*We will regularly review together to ensure you are getting what you need. 



What you tell me in sessions is confidential, however there are some exceptions to this.

Confidentiality will have to be broken if I feel there is risk to you or someone else.

If you make me aware you are drug trafficking, money laundering or are going to commit an act of terrorism.

If I am legally bound by a court of law.


I also have regular supervision, when clients are taken to supervision they are anonymised.




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